So, this blog post is about running today. I apologize on how long it is. So, let’s talk about 2 of my training runs and then the Chicago Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon that I did (it was just a training day).
On July 5th, I was suppose to fill in for one of our marathon run sites due to a lot of coaches being out for the 4th of July. I only had maybe an hour or 2 of sleep due to everyone shooting off their illegal fireworks. I finally went to sleep around 4:30am and then wake up at 5:30am to get out the door by 6:15am to get to the gym before 7am. I got there right before the club opened and prepared everything for our 8 mile run. I get there and lo and behold, one of our coaches showed up. He indicated that he had everything and I should go home because I looked exhausted, but if I could do the warmup , that would be great. So we did our half mile warmup run to the lakefront (with my big ass backpack on my back) and proceeded with our dynamic running exercises before they left. I went home to actually get some sleep. By the time I made it to my apartment, I got my second wind. I changed tops, filled up my hydration belt and headed out the door for an 8 mile run into Evanston and back.
It was warm when I started, but so what. I started running North and was in my little groove but this is what happens while I run by myself. “Is my running skirt too short? Oh, my butt’s way too big for this shirt. Ooh, a whistle. The skirt is not too short. Ooh, here comes a runner. Am I looking strong or defeated? Oh, I’m a strong runner! Let me do the head nod as acknowledging him. Ooh, he’s cute but sloppy running form. It’s only 3.5 miles…..uggghhhh….it’s hot.” As you can see, I keep myself thoroughly entertained. It was a peaceful run along the lakefront although it was hot and humid. I even ran through a private gated community, saw a bootcamp class going on, a few people swimming in the lake and a couple of rabbits and squirrels. On my turn around back, I ended up speeding up because a raccoon scared the living daylights out of me. They’re cute and evil at the same time. By time I made it back to my place, I was a hot, salty, sweaty mess. 8 miles with an average of an 11 min/mile pace. Not bad with it being hot and humid.
Now on to training run #2: Just 1 week later, I filled in for 2 of our coaches at another location. The forecast called for passing storms. Cool, I can deal with this. While riding the bus to the gym, the skies decided to open up. No problem, we will just delay the start by a bit. No biggie, it might rain on race day. I get to the club, get everything prepared including making the Gatorade (oh, yummy) and gathered all of our runners to the group exercise studio to start our dynamic warmup exercises, listen to a speaker and explained the route. We then proceeded to head out the door. It was only drizzling-no more rain….stop the brakes, it opened on us. What did we do? We ran. I usually lead the rear because I just do. There was a lot of foul language coming from everyone, rain pouring down with everyone trying to dodge puddles. It got to the point where I had everyone go single file. You know that the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. Our shoes were already wet, a moot point. I can truly say that every group that was out there running were probably thinking, “This is nuts!” There were times that the rain started, stop, thought about it, downpoured, repeat. But you know what, it was wonderful except I have to wear glasses at ALL TIMES (read: I’m blind as a friggin’ bat!). I really wanted my goggles but I can’t see out of those either. However coming back on the lakefront path, I forgot one key thing: The underpass was FLOODED! Yep, we ran through it. The water on me was mid-calf deep. I figured, I was wetter than Lake Michigan and this would be excellent training for the Steeplechase event (umm, no). I was never so happy to be in a scalding hot shower in my life and my Brooks running shoes (Pure Cadence) survived another run.
Now, on to the Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon Chicago on Sunday, July 20th. I treated this race as a training run. As you know, I’m racing LifeTime Fitness Half Iron Distance race in October and Ironman Arizona (again) in November so this is just training. I decided that I was going to have some fun on this course. I, of course, always think of my outfits beforehand. I was completely decked out in PURPLE! Purple running shoes, purple compression sleeves, a black running skirt with a purple tutu over it, a purple top and my purple road ID! Hey, I need to feel good, look good for my photos and have fun.
The weather was overcast which made me happy but a tad bit warm. While waiting in my corral to start, a guy tapped me on the shoulder and asked if my tattoo was indeed an M-Dot. It sure is. We chit chatted about it since he was a tattoo artist. He was running with a lot of his friends who were seriously trash talking. This trash talking was worse than watching an NFL game. So, while waiting, a friend of mine tapped my shoulder. The purple tutu helped to identify me since my signature afro was hidden under a baseball cap-don’t ask how I was able to conceal it. About 15 minutes after the start of the race, my wave finally went off. The longest wait EVER! No, not really but it was still annoying all the same.
And we're off. There's something about running that just makes me so happy. Seeing the multitude of runners in front is just freaking AMAZING! So, back to this training run. I was in my little groove and around mile 3, a guy yelled, "Hey you! In the purple tutu, is that an M-Dot tutu?" I turned around and said, "Yeah." I ended up speaking with him and 4 other Ironman athletes for another 4 miles. We are just chit chatting and running. Meanwhile, there were runners looking at us and trying to figure out how we are running and talking at the same time. It's a training run PEOPLE! Now, we were weaving in and out of the Loop due to all of the construction going on in Chicago. I ended up leaving the guys because I had to find a restroom (aka Portapotty). I get back on the course and I started to pick up the pace because someone was playing "Talk Dirty To Me"-the remix. I don't like the song but the beat was really helping me out. At this point, we are on Michigan Avenue going South. I was like, "YES! Finally no more weaving and bobbing throughout the Loop. Around 24th and Michigan, there were the Japanese drummers. Something about the beat of the drums can get you moving. I knew at this point that we had another mile or so before we turned on 31st Street and head back Downtown! As we are heading towards 31st Street, I saw a friend of mine who I had not seen in about 5 years so I did something that you should never do in a race. The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. What did I do? I went at a complete diagonal to go to my friend and give him a hug. (Don't do that people!).
Now we are at 31st Street running East. Yes! We are almost done...NOT! At this point, they were starting to hand out Gu (It's a gel). They had Salted Watermelon. Oh God, that stuff is gross which is why I bring my own eGels. Thank you! So, I took my gel and some water and kept going. I see the Lakefront and I think that we are heading back downtown. I read the map wrong. We had to go to 3500 South THEN turn North on the lakefront path. I was not to happy with this but when we hit mile 10, there was a DJ and he was playing some music with a serious base line to it. It helped. A little ways down, not only was there an aid station with water and Gatorade, but cold sponges! Oh, I thanked the volunteer. I almost kissed him because I am usually a hot, salty, sweaty mess when I do any long endurance anything. I wiped myself down and continued on. At this point, we are headed towards the underground passage way of McCormick Place. Umm, it was way too dark to the point that I had to flip the shades of my sunglasses in order to see and not trip over anyone. In particular, the two guys in front of me who were HOT!!!
We get out of the tunnel and I know we are near Soldier Field now and I ran into 2 more friends. I'm still running at this moment but people were walking. I encouraged a few folks to keep it up, you look good, yadda-yadda-yadda. It worked for some but not others. I saw the finish line, but it just seemed so far away so I decided that at mile 12.5, I would pick up the pace. It was the common game called how many runners can you pick off before the finish. I counted over 135. I crossed the finish line, my friend Tina took a finish line photo of me, I took an official finish line photo, got my bananas, ice cold towel, water and walked towards our FFC Tent. It was so far, but I made it. Plopped down on the grass and chilled but then walked back to the club to shower and change. Walking back, I didn't feel sore at all. I felt great but tired because I had to wake up so early. After I showered and changed, I went home to take a nap. I felt remakably refreshed and ready to take on the world or at least a Monday.
That day was a good day!
Awesome! I would love to be as motivated and dedicated as you.
ReplyDeleteNicole A.