Tuesday, November 17, 2020

200 DAYS...of running

This morning marked a milestone for me. I have made it 200 straight days of running. Some days were just a mile and other days were 13.1. Total runs actually are 236 and counting. When I set out on my #runstreak back on May 1st, I was looking to only go through the #chimarathon.

When that became clear it was not going to happen, nor would any of my races or events, I decided to keep going because as my hashtag has been since the world stopped due to Covid-19, #trainingisnotcancelled.

So why do a #runstreak? It was something to keep myself accountable. It is something that kept my stress and anxiety levels down. It is something that helps me clear my mind and either just zone out or think of ideas/solutions.

Since I have hit the 200 day mark, I have run a total of 924.2 miles. Last year, my #runstreak started a month later (June 1st) and at the end (October 13th), I ended with 525.14 miles. That’s a huge increase but remember, I started a month early and I was doing some (okay, a LOT) of virtual challenges. But, another item I realized is that today also marks my #ironversary, the day I crossed #IMAZ 7 years ago. 

Some people have been wondering will I return to the full Iron distance and the answer is yes. Not in 2021 unless something magically happens, but definitely in 2022.

Now when will my #runstreak end? You just have to find out.

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